Installation StoryBox Screens (MS Edge)

Here you will learn how to add the addon for MS Edge, for using StoryBox Screen Recorder, to your browser.


To use StoryBox Screen Recorder (StoryBox Screens), you first need to add the addon from the Chrome Web Store to your browser.

Use the following link to go directly to the Chrome App Store:

When you go to the Chrome Web Store for the first time, you'll see a blue banner at the top. Click on it to allow extensions from other stores.

StoryBox_Screens_Edge_Anleitung (1)

StoryBox_Screens_Edge_Anleitung (2)

Anschließend kannst du die Chrome Extension hinzufügen:

StoryBox_Screens_Edge_Anleitung (3)

StoryBox_Screens_Edge_Anleitung (4)

StoryBox_Screens_Edge_Anleitung (5)

StoryBox_Screens_Edge_Anleitung (6)

Go further to Installation Storybox Screens (Chrome)