Request a new Magic-Link

Magic-Link invalid or expired? No problem.

When a user is created, he or she automatically receives a so-called "Magic-Link" from the system.

For security reasons, the Magic-Link is valid for a limited time and can only be used once. This means that if it is clicked once, it becomes invalid afterwards.

It is intended to allow users to access their own account without having their own password in order to set it there.

If the link is not used and you want to log in later, you can, if this one has expired, simply have a new freshly baked Magic Link sent to you, which you can then use immediately.

This can be done in the web as well as on mobile simply in the login mask via "Login with Magic Link".

"Send Magic Link"

In addition, each user needs at least ONE assigned template to be able to log in to Mobile and start projects there. If no template is assigned, you will get an error when trying to log in and you will not be able to log in. In this case, please tell one of your admins, they can assign you a suitable template via the user overview.